2011. február 19., szombat

I want to be that girl that you can look back and think of how many great memories we had together. I want to be that girl that you can look back and think, “I loved her so much.” I want to be that girl that you’re going later realize what a stupid mistake that you made of leaving me. I want to be that girl that can still put a smile on your face.
It sucks even more day after day that you’re gone. I just hope that you’re happy. And that you’re living your dream and making it come true. I will always support you. No matter how far away we are, you are always in my heart. My daddy tells me this every time :) Same goes for you. My love for you will never go away even if we are apart. You’re so important to me. And even though you fucked up and I fucked up along the way, you’re still my breath that I take every day. You’re still my light in my life. You’re still my beat of my heart.
You will always be apart of me. And I will never ever forget you. And I hope you’ll always remember me and someday, we can make our dreams come true together.
It’s not going to be now.
And it’s okay.

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